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Order list

Get a list of your orders:

GET /v1/orders
Content-Type: application/json
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

  "from": "2024-08-29 12:00:00",
  "to": "2024-08-30 23:35:59",
  "status": "all",
  "payment_method": "all",
  "sort": "paid_at",
  "direction": "desc",
  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 40

Param descriptions

Param Mandatory Values Default
from false YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (Timezone is -03:00) Today at 00:00:00 -03:00
to false YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (Timezone is -03:00) Today at 23:59:59 -03:00
status false waiting_payment, canceled, reversed, paid, chargeback, expired, analysis, initial All
payment_method false credit_card, boleto_express, deposit, ame, picpay, pix, paypal_card, paypal_wallet, mercado_pago_wallet, pec, binance_pay All
sort false paid_at, compensated_at, reversed_at, created_at, chargeback_at (defaults according to status.) created_at
direction false desc or asc desc
page false Any integer >= 1 1
per_page false Any integer >= 1 Maximum is 200

The response will be a list of orders with the following format:

    "orders": [
            "latam_id": "f99764cf-4dd6-4a55-83ab-f06cf11574b6",
            "code": "12345678901",
            "customer_name": "Customer's Name",
            "customer_email": "[email protected]",
            "original_amount": "1.1",
            "fee": "0.1",
            "tax": "0.0",
            "additional_value": 0.0,
            "final_value": 1.0,
            "status": "paid",
            "final": true,
            "created_at": "2024-08-29T23:45:58-03:00",
            "paid_at": "2024-08-29T23:46:10-03:00",
            "chargeback_at": null,
            "reason": "",
            "payment_method": "pix",
            "money_laundry_prevention": false,
            "ocbs": false
            "latam_id": "f5c73d0e-3781-4ebd-841b-0eafe974b0b4",
            "code": "12345",
            "customer_name": "Customer's Name",
            "customer_email": "[email protected]",
            "original_amount": "1.1",
            "fee": "0.1",
            "tax": "0.0",
            "additional_value": 0.0,
            "final_value": 1.0,
            "status": "canceled",
            "final": true,
            "created_at": "2024-08-29T21:21:35-03:00",
            "paid_at": null,
            "chargeback_at": null,
            "reason": "BL-08: Customer blocked by Compliance team decision",
            "payment_method": "pix",
            "money_laundry_prevention": false,
            "ocbs": false
    "total_pages": 1,
    "current_page": 1,
    "per_page": 30

Response params descriptions

Param Description
latam_id Order ID into the Latam’s system
code The ID from your system
customer_name Customer name
customer_email Customer email
original_amount Order value sent by you
fee Your fee
tax Your tax
additional_value Additional fee charged to the customer
final_value Final value of the order after fees
status Order current status *
final Boolean to indicate if the order status is final
created_at Order’s creation Timestamp
paid_at Order’s paid Timestamp
chargeback_at Order’s chargeback Timestamp (Credit Card only)
reason Reason in case of failing order
payment_method Order’s payment method
money_laundry_prevention Indicates if money laundering prevention measures were applied
ocbs This field is exclusive to Binance. Its value will always be False.
payment JSON containing payment details. Each payment method has its own structure
  • When checking the status of orders, please note that paid orders may still be modified unless the “Final” field is set to true.