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Credit Card


Credit cards in Brazil offer a convenient way for consumers to handle their payments, widely accepted across both online and physical stores. They provide flexibility for diverse purchases and the option of installment payments, a popular feature in the Brazilian market.

Generate Orders

Creating a Credit Card REDIRECT order:

POST /api/v1/checkout/form
Content-Type: application/json
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

    "code":"123", # Order reference in your system (required)
    "notification_url":"", # Where we'll notify when status changes (required)
    "redirect_url":"", # If filled, at the end of checkout we'll automatic redirect to that page (optional)
    "value":50.00, # (required)
    "additional_info":"A description of your order, as a string", # (required)
    "payment_method":"paypal_card" # (required)
  "risk":{ # Optional
    "ip": "", # Customer IP
    "fingerprint": "9d16d111d9e1a8fba7f87239f20feeef", # Fingerprint ID
    "browser": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:93.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/93.0" # User-Agent from headers
  "installments": 2, # Optional
  "customer": { # Optional
    "name":  "Customer’s full name",
    "document": "111.222.333-44",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "11999999999",
    "birth": "1996-03-09",
  "address": { # Optional
    "street": "Example Avenue",
    "number": "123",
    "neighborhood": "Downtown",
    "complement": "Apt 101",
    "zip": "12345-678",
    "city": "Sample City",
    "state": "PR"

The response will be:

  "form_id": "dbcedec8-f587-4203-8aa4-a74da83fb32a", # Order reference in our system. You should save that.
  "url": "" # Form URL, redirect your customer to here