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PicPay is a digital wallet that offers a user-friendly way to make transactions, pay bills, and transfer money right from your phone. It operates everyday, offering a secure platform for sending money, making payments, receiving funds, businesses, and for services.

Getting Started

Generate Order

Creating a PicPay REDIRECT order:

POST /api/v1/checkout/form
Content-Type: application/json
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

  "order": {
    "code": "123",
    "notification_url": "",
    "redirect_url": "",
    "value": 50.00,
    "additional_info": "A description of your order, as a string",
    "payment_method": "picpay"

Params descriptions

Field Description Value Type Requirement
order.code Order reference in your system String Required
order.notification_url URL to notify when status changes String Required
order.redirect_url URL for automatic redirection after checkout ends String Optional
order.value Total order value Number (Decimal Required
order.additional_info Additional description of the order String Required
order.payment_method Payment method String Required

On a successful request HTTP 200 status code, the response will include the following parameters:

  "form_id": "dbcedec8-f587-4203-8aa4-a74da83fb32a", 
  "url": "" 

Reverse Order

To reverse an order:

POST /api/v1/order/{order_id}/reverse
Content-Type: "application/json"
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

On a successful request HTTP 200 status code, the response will include the following parameters:

  "message": "message": "Refund requested. Waiting for confirmation from the bank."

Business errors are returned with a 400 status code. The response will be:

  "message": "No order found with the provided ID."