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Binance Pay


Binance Pay is a payment method that allows customers to pay for their orders using their Binance Pay account. To know more about Binance Pay, please visit Binance Pay.

Getting Started

Generate Orders

Creating a Binance Pay TRANSPARENT order:

POST /api/v1/order
Content-Type: "application/json"
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

  "customer": {
    "name": "Customer’s full name",
    "document": "111.222.333-44", # Note 1 below (required)
    "email": "[email protected]", # (required)
    "phone": "11999999999", # (required)
    "birth": "1996-03-09" # (required)
    "code": "123", # Order reference in your system (required)
    "notification_url": "", # Where we'll notify when status changes (required)
    "value": 50.00, # (required)
    "additional_info": "Some description of your order as String", # (required)
    "payment_method": "binance_pay" # (required)

The document can be a valid CPF or CNPJ. If CNPJ is used, the company name must be passed in the name parameter.

CPF and CNPJ are the Brazilian individual and company identification numbers, respectively.

Get QR code and Image

To get QR Code info and image after generating the order:

GET /api/v1/qrcode/{latam_id}
Content-Type: "application/json"
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

The response will contain the following parameters:

 "deep_link": "deeplink to open binance app",
 "qrcode_link": "link to qrcode image jpg",
 "universal_link": "universal url to open binance",
 "qrcode_image": "base64 of the image"