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Boleto Express


Boleto Express is a payment method that allows customers to pay for their purchases using a boleto bancário. It is a popular payment method in Brazil, where it is used for a wide range of transactions, including utility bills, taxes, and online purchases.

Getting Started

Generate Orders

Creating a Boleto Expresso TRANSPARENT order:

POST /api/v1/order
Content-Type: "application/json"
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

  "customer": {
    "name": "Customer’s full name",
    "document": "111.222.333-44", # (required)
    "email": "[email protected]", # (required)
    "phone": "11999999999", # (required)
    "birth": "1996-03-09" # (required)
    "code": "123", # Order reference in your system (required)
    "notification_url": "", # Where we'll notify when status changes (required)
    "value": 50.00, # (required)
    "additional_info": "Some description of your order as String", # (required)
    "payment_method": "boleto_express" # (required)

The response will contain the following parameters:

  "latam_id": "7c0b8129-f556-4357-bb6e-8189c2943024",
  "code": "order_id_in_your_system",
  "confirmation_url": "", # Redirect customer to see and pay the boleto.
  "qrcode_link": "" # Link to the qrcode

Business errors are returned with a 403 status code. The response will contain the following parameters:

  "latam_id": "7c0b8129-f556-4357-bb6e-8189c2943024",
  "message": "kyc message table below",
  "code": "kyc code table below"


Code Message
KYC110 Invalid CPF, please verify your date of birth and CPF number.
KYC111 Invalid CNPJ, please verify your CNPJ number.
KYC112 Different name from the federal revenue register of natural persons.

Get barcode and PDF

To get Boleto bar code and PDF after generating the order:

GET /api/v1/boleto/{latam_id}
Content-Type: "application/json"
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

  "barcode": "the numbers that the customer can copy and paste into bank app",
  "pdf": ""