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Our P2P PIX solution enables merchants to intermediate transactions between buyers and sellers (submerchants) in a simple and secure way, acting as a marketplace. Both the billing and the transfer are carried out via PIX, the Central Bank of Brazil’s instant payment method, ensuring agility and reliability at every step of the process.


Getting Started

Generate Order

To generate a PIX order, you need to send a POST request to the following endpoint:

POST /api/v1/order
Content-Type: "application/json"
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

  "customer": {
    "name": "Customer’s full name",
    "document": "111.222.333-44",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "11999999999",
    "birth": "1996-03-09"
  "order": {
    "code": "123",
    "notification_url": "",
    "value": 50.00,
    "additional_info": "Some description of your order as String",
    "payment_method": "pix",
    "submerchant": {
      "document": "12.345.678/0001-90"

Params descriptions

Field Description Value Type Requirement Customer's full name String Required
customer.document Customer's document String Required (see notes below) Customer's email address String Required Customer's phone number String Required
customer.birth Customer's date of birth String Required
order.code Order reference in your system String Required
order.notification_url URL to notify when status changes String Required
order.value Total order value Number (decimal) Required
order.additional_info Additional description of the order String Required
order.payment_method Payment method String Required
submerchant.document Seller's Document String Required

Note 1: The document can be a valid CPF or CNPJ. If CNPJ is used, the company name must be passed in the name parameter.

Note 2: CPF and CNPJ are the Brazilian individual and company identification numbers, respectively.

On a successful request HTTP 200 status code, the response will include the following parameters:

  "latam_id": "7c0b8129-f556-4357-bb6e-8189c2943024",
  "code": "id_in_your_system",
  "confirmation_url": "", 
  "qrcode_link": "" 

Business errors due to incorrect or missing parameters are returned with an HTTP 400 status code. The response will indicate which parameter is invalid or missing.

     "message": "Invalid document"

KYC errors are returned with an HTTP 403 status code. The response will contain the following parameters:

  "latam_id": "7c0b8129-f556-4357-bb6e-8189c2943024",
  "message": "kyc message table below",
  "code": "kyc code table below"


Code Message
KYC110 Invalid CPF, please verify your date of birth and CPF number.
KYC110 CPF document not found.
KYC110 CPF document belongs to a deceased holder. Year of death: 2024.
KYC110 CPF document is suspended.
KYC111 Invalid CNPJ, please verify your CNPJ number.
KYC112 Different name from the federal revenue register of natural persons.

Get QR code and Image

To get QR Code info and image after generating the order:

GET /api/v1/qrcode/{latam_id}
Content-Type: "application/json"
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

The response will contain the following parameters:

  "qrcode_data": "A string containing the complete Pix transaction information, ready to be copied and pasted into a banking application.",
  "qrcode_image": "Base64 of the QR Code image"